Candies Way Back in Time

It may have been true that today's busy lifestyle has taken away the passion of candy-making losing it to time. 

But we see how the long and popular culture of these sugar pieces has born new trends of added colors, delectable flavors, and amazing sculptures yet crafted in the same old traditional way. 

old-fashioned candies
The first candy came to America from Britain and France

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These sugars that have been patiently made from the richness of natural ingredients mark a reminiscent of candies way back in time.

How Did Candies Originate

The origin of candy dates back to ancient times where people dig honey direct from the beehives to enjoy a treat of sweetness. Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, and the Middle East combined fruits and flowers with honey to form candies. 

It is believed that Indians were the first to use sugar cane to produce sweet juice and brown sugar, which later was discovered and adopted by the Persians and Greeks who then started sugarcane agriculture.

"The first candy came to America in the early 18th century from Britain and France. Only a few of the early colonists were proficient in sugar work and were able to provide sugary treats for the very wealthy. Rock candy, made from crystallized sugar, was the simplest form of candy, but even this basic form of sugar was considered a luxury and was only attainable by the rich." source

old-fashioned candies

The manufacture of sugar in the middle ages introduced new ways of processing confections until candy-making became popular in the mid of the 18th century. 

It was during the 19th century when large-scale candy production began and led to the introduction of hard candies or boiled sweets; beginning with lemon drops, aniseed, stick candies, lollipops, and peppermint.

In the 1930s, Americans made it a tradition to give away candies for Halloween parties where they relish costumes and games that were more of a harvest festival than a scary event. Up until the 1960s candies were popularized for trick and treating. 

There came a time in the history of candy when it became a comforting bite for many families. A simple treat puts a smile on their faces lifting their spirits up. That was during the 1940s at the height of World War II.

Les Anis De Flavigny

Flavigny is a town in France known to have been making little candies since the times of the Romans hundreds of years ago. It has preserved the taste according to centuries-old tradition with their Anis de Flavigny

Since 1591, Les Anis De Flavigny has combined aniseed with delicate natural flavors to create a confection worth savoring.

             A Nostalgic Candy Collection

The Taste of Candies Way Back

"Unlike a cake or loaf of bread that would be shared among many people, candies are usually made in smaller pieces. They are normally eaten casually, often with the fingers, as a snack between meals. Each culture has its own ideas of what constitutes candy rather than dessert. The same food may be a candy in one culture and a dessert in another." Wikipedia

The ingredient used and the procedure followed in making candies affect their general taste. From the different candy varieties in the market now comes flavors from the incredibly sweet and smooth taste, chocolatey, to the fascinating very sour taste.

Homemade candies and sweets are still the best. Their charm is a sweet addition to any occasion. Ice-cream, cake and the frosted cookie would look adorn in festive candy sprinkles while candied creams stand as a luscious spread on toasts, pancakes, or as a topping. 

I think candies are perfect enough to either stimulate the taste of your gatherings or to stir-up a personal mood. Suitable serving variations also include sweetening hot tea and cocoa.

Don't you think finding candies from way back in time these days is like finding a treasure?

Do you still remember the candies from your childhood?


                                                   LEMONHEAD SOUR LEMON

                                      GERRITS BEEMANS CHEWING GUM 

                                         BUBBLE GUM CANDY CIGARETTES

                                             PINK STRAWBERRY STARBURST CANDY

                                    RETRO CLASSIC CANDY SMARTIES

                                                            GIANT TOOTSIE ROLLS

                                                   STARLIGHT PEPPERMINT CANDY

                                                    CANDY CIGARETTES 24 COUNT

Do you remember any candy you wish to share with us? 


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