Rock Salt: The First Food Preservative
Originally published on December 29, 2009
Salt is an ancient commodity that has been used as a currency, beauty secret, medication and as a preservative for food. Tiny bits as they become, this tiny white rock proves that there is life in it, so let's talk about it.
Salt is a necessary ingredient for healthy life. Its importance became very essential in all aspects of cooking that it has become the culinary ingredient present in almost all recipes. A pinch of pure salt will enhance the flavors that are already present in a dish making it a surprising essential that brings succulent and flavorful results to various cuisines.
In baking bread, salt influences the strength, expansion, and texture of the dough. It controls the yeast activity so it works in a slow and steady rise. Salt also plays a role in the gluten structure of the dough by preventing the confined carbon dioxide bubbles from expanding too quickly. As a result, the bread comes with a fine texture.
For some reason, salt is a flavor amplifier. Bitter foods become tastier with a hint of salt in them. You probably eat sour fruits with salt to make every bite palatable. My Dad introduced to us how a pinch of salt can enhance the flavor of chocolate porridge. Until now, I like the way it adds depth to the entree.
In making cheese, salt is also required to cure and develop its consistency. There probably is no ingredient that provides savory in food but salt. Thanks to its natural essence, it provides no-calorie flavor.
What is Table Salt?
Table salt is refined salt and if often iodized. It is a refined fine-grained salt with magnesium carbonate added to make it free-flowing. The use of this salt has essentially eliminated disorders or iodine deficiency in countries where it is used. Table salt can also be produced from rock salt, but it is distinct from unrefined salt, which is allowed to retain its impurities. Unrefined salt, on the other hand, is also used for seasoning food, and are even more expensive due to the impurities they contain.
Salt is an inexpensive flavor enhancer. It keeps the bread from going stale, keeps overcooked vegetables from turning gray, and it keeps hotdog meat from falling apart. For chefs, salting is an art and the matter of taste is a masterpiece. When you have cooked in the kitchens of the world’s fine restaurants or your passion has created you great cuisines, you know how important salt is to food.
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